Abstract : This is the first research to identify the characterization of " Klebsiella pneumoniae", a multidrug-resistant plasmid circulating in Iraq. The goal of our work was to examine the distribution in clinical K. pneumoniae of the antibiotic resistance genes of ESBLs from UTI patients as well as identification and classification of K. pneumoniae plasmids associated with virulence and antimicrobial resistance by using Replicon Typing based on PCR (PBRT). Medical isolates of this bacteria in this analysis has been isolated from UTI patients. ESBLs-manufacturing K. Pneumoniae was preliminarily tested and validated by various phenotypic approaches using cephalosporin disks. There was also an antimicrobial susceptibility examination. For identification of genotypics, CTX-M, TEM, and SHV ESBL genes were determined by PCR. PBRT was performed by PBRT 2.0 KIT (Diatheva, Italy, 2020), and provided that ESBLs resistance transfer assay was performed by conjugation. The "ESBLs" were observed in (80.53%) of K. pneumoniae. Overall, bla "CTX-M" was the commonest genotype (95.6) by PCR. The replicons could be determined in ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae strains; 29 replicons were detected in CTX-M producing K. pneumoniae strains" HI 1; HI 2; I1α; I 2; X 1; X 2; X 3; X 4; L; I1y; N; FI A;FI B; FI C; FI I; F IIK; FIB- KN; FIB- KQ; W; Y; P1; I 1 A/C; T; K; U; R; B/O; HIB-M and FIB-M". The TEM replicons and SHV were detected 28 replicons. New replicons P1, N2 and X4 were detected in 'ESBLs producing K.

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