Abstract : There are several ways to consume fruit. Mostly, the forms of fruit which can be consumed are whole fruit and juice. The effect on blood glucose will certainly vary. This study aimed to determine the difference in the increase in blood glucose levels in the Intervention of Soursop fruit and its preparations. The research design used was experimental with pre-post design, the sampling technique used Purposive sampling, and the number of samples was five people and they got three types of Intervention. Whole Soursop fruit group, soursop fruit juice added sugar, and Soursop fruit juice without added sugar. The glucose levels that were measured were fasting blood glucose, glucose levels after consuming three types of intervention at 30 ', 60', 90 'and 120'. The subject is in a healthy sample. The intervention group giving Soursop Juice added sugar and Soursop Juice without sugar, the AUC value was 29.9% and 6% higher than the whole soursop fruit group. The statistical test with the Kruskal-Wallis test was no difference (p = 0.059). It is necessary to be careful in giving diets to diabetes patients because this study uses healthy sample.

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